Terry and Peggy Dunn Honored as 2008 Outstanding Kansas CitianThe Board of Directors for the Native Sons and Daughters of Greater Kansas City is most pleased to announce Terry and Peggy Dunn have received its annual award as “Outstanding Kansas Citians” for 2008. A reception was held in their honor on Thursday evening, September 25, 2008 in the National WWI Museum at the Liberty Memorial, in downtown Kansas City, Missouri.
The Dunns are highly visible leaders in our Greater Kansas City area, through their professional careers, their numerous civic involvements, and their generous philanthropic support providing for the well being our community. Our community long recognizes the breadth and depth of their contributions to its development and preservation. Their continued professional and civic leadership, extensive community involvement, sharing of resources, vision, demonstrates their abiding regard for the preservation, restoration, and maintenance of our historic record as the foundation upon which to build and nurture future generations. Terry Dunn serves as the CEO of the J.E. Dunn Construction Company, while Peggy Dunn is serves as elected mayor of the City of Leawood, Kansas. Their tireless efforts are employed to maintain our heritage as being one of the Nation’s most prestigious communities in which to reside. The Dunns are considered among the Kansas City area’s most valued assets of which the Native Sons and Daughters recognize with its Outstanding Kansas Citian award. Liberty Memorial was selected as the site of the event considering the Natives Sons and Daughters extensive commitment to its recent renovation; with several of its members serving in Board capacity with the Liberty Memorial Association; and that, in Spring 2001, J.E. Dunn Construction was awarded the contract to completely restore and refurbish Liberty Memorial, allowing for inclusion of a new world-class museum in newly dedicated space within the memorial. Terry and Peggy Dunn served as the chairs for UMKC's recent capital campaign, which raised over $300 million for the university. Among the many community groups in which they are involved include the Boy Scouts, the Children's Miracle Network, the Truman Medical Center, the Jewish Community Relations Bureau, and many others. The reception was attended by 65 members and guests, including the Dunn’s son Patrick and daughter Katie Fitzpatrick, Terry’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William and Jean Dunn, Mike Dunn, and friend Melinda. Brother Robert Dunn was unable to attend due to another commitment. Also in attendance were the Hon. Don Reimal, mayor of the City of Independence, Missouri, and wife Jo Marie Reimal, as guests of Dr. Lee and Kathryn Pickering. As each entered the memorial, they were welcomed with the classical music of a string trio. A premiere hors d'oeuvres buffet, by Kansas City Catering, Inc., preceded the award ceremony. The “President’s Welcome” was presented by the Hon. Thomas Sims, recognizing the Dunn family and former OKC Award recipients being present, including Mr. William Dunn, Mr. Mike Burke, and Whitney and Day Kerr. New members for the year 2008 were duly recognized. The business of the election of officers for the year 2009 was conducted by immediate past-president Ms. Eileen Sullivan, chair of the nominating committee. Ms. Sullivan presented for vote the slate of candidates for the position of officers and directors. Following acknowledgements by event chair Mr. Gary L. Hicks, vocal music was delightfully provided by our own Mr. Dan Sturdevant (president elect for 2009) taking us back the musical period of the 1930’s. Of special note, Dan was accompanied by the strains of his own “hand-held orchestra” contained on his PDA. Following the presentation of the OKC award, Dan once again entertained us all with a musical tribute to the Dunn’s in the melody of “Everything’s-Up-to-Date-in Kansas City” and special lyrics composed by Mr. Hicks. A special acknowledgment is offered to Ms. Louise Hicks for her invaluable assistance during the entire event process, especially for producing the slide show presentation as part of the program. Additionally, the organization recognizes Mr. Michael Morgan of KCDV.TV who volunteered to provide a video recording of the event. Michael has an abiding interest in providing to the community a historical record of events and activities associated with aspects of historical preservation. Mr. Hicks introduced Mr. John Dillingham who offered a tribute to Terry and Peggy Dunn. Mr. Dillingham has served with both Terry and Peggy in many capacities in many community involvements. While recently serving as president of the Liberty Memorial Association, Mr. Dillingham especially valued the contributions by the J.E. Dunn Company towards the restoration effort, much beyond contractual obligations. He was delighted for the opportunity to share his insight and perspective and recognized in detail their contributions to our community. Mr. Dillingham’s tribute drew a standing ovation for the Dunns who came forward to receive the Outstanding Kansas Citian Award. Commendation was made to the Dunns by Mr. Hicks who presented the award. Both Peggy and Terry offered remarks in gratitude of receiving the award, thanking the organization for bestowing such recognition, and acknowledging they were now on a list of “Who’s-Who” in Kansas City. |